You can hand create amazon affiliates shortened links let's break one down!
Let's start with a DVD (taken 2)
After the gp/aw/d (this is a mobile link) is the ASIN number, this is key to creating your short links.
This can be found on the webpage in the details section and is also on the URL for
Non mobile
Note after go/product is the ASIN as well )
Start with Amazon's short URL:
Next add /ASIN#/?tag=affiliatetag
For example here is a complete URL
This isn't too tricky when using the amazon site, but making links on a mobile device can get tricky, an app was made recently that assists in making short links.
Alternate apps
Amazon Affiliate Link Generator
Disclaimer: I wrote the app above and find it extremely useful.
If you know of any other apps let me know and I'll add them to this list.